EMEP - Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português
O III Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português (II EMEP) é um evento do Focus Brazil Foundation e organizado pela American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese (AOTP). O evento aconteceu de 1 a 3 de agosto de 2014, na Columbia University em Nova Iorque.
Os professores que participaram do III EMEP tiveram a oportunidade de assistir palestras especializadas sobre o ensino de português, metodologias de línguas estrangeiras e aquisição de línguas com sessões, mesas redondas e palestrantes dinâmicos e inovadores sobre o ensino de português como língua estrangeira e língua de herança.
The Third Annual World Conference of the Teaching Portuguese (III EMEP) is an event of the 'Focus Brazil Foundation' and organized by the American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese (AOTP). The event took place from August 1st to 3rd of 2014 at Columbia University - NY.
The teachers who participated in the EMEP had the opportunity to attend specialized lectures on teaching Portuguese, methodologies of foreign languages with language acquisition sessions, roundtables discussions as well as dynamic and innovative speakers who will discuss the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language and heritage language.
Acesse o site do EMEP http://www.emepsite.com/
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